Truenet Internet Packages and Prices

Truenet Internet Packages, Prices, Coverage, and Installation Contacts

The internet is an integral part of our everyday lives, more so, among urban residents and tech driven businesses. This article summarizes Truenet Internet packages and prices for a better online experience.

Also discussed are the coverage areas and installation requirements.

Truenet Internet packages and prices

Truenet Solutions internet is widely accessible in various estates within Kisii town.

How much is Truenet WiFi per month?

3 MbpsKsh 1,500
5 MbpsKsh 2,000
8 MbpsKsh 3,000
10 MbpsKsh 3,500

A onetime installation fee of Ksh 5,000 apply to all the packages on offer.

Truenet coverage extends to Nakuru, Kisii, and Eldoret.

Besides internet, Truenet Solutions offer the following services.

  • Graphic design
  • IT and cyber services
  • Web design and development

About Truenet Internet

Truenet Internet Solution is a company that offers unlimited while cost friendly internet service connection to its subscribers.

The ISP is a proponent of uninterrupted connection in our digital era where the internet is the order of day.

Truenet Solutions Contacts

Address[email protected]

Contact Truenet support team to book your connection, for an upgraded online experience.